I am a conservation biologist and ecologist focusing on how anthropogenic change, such as urbanisation and climate change impacts amphibians (mostly frogs). At current, I am a PhD candidate at UNSW Sydney and the Australian Museum and a science educator at the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney.
Affiliation and Contact:
Centre for Ecosystem Science,
School of Biological Earth and Environmental Science,
UNSW Sydney,
Email: brittany.mitchell@unsw.edu.au
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
2020 – Present
University of New South Wales (UNSW) and Australian Museum
Thesis: “Australia’s frog species in the Anthropocene – habitat loss, climate change, behaviour, and disease”
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Class I
2018 – 2019
University of New South Wales (UNSW) and Australian Museum
Thesis: “Using large-scale citizen science data to examine acoustic responses of the Red Tree Frog (Litoria rubella) to anthropogenic disturbance.”
Bachelor of Science
2014 – 2016
University of Sydney
Biology and Immunobiology
Callaghan, C.T., Liu, G., Mitchell, B.A., Poore, A.G.B., Rowley, J.J.L. (2021), Urbanization negatively impacts frog diversity at continental, regional, and local scales, Basic and Applied Ecology
Mitchell, B.A., Callaghan, C.T., Rowley, J. J. L. (2020) Continental-scale citizen science data reveals no changes in acoustic responses of a widespread tree frog to an urbanisation gradient. Journal of Urban Ecology
BIOS1101: Evolutionary and Functional Biology, UNSW Sydney (2021- present)
BIOS1301: Ecology and Sustainability, UNSW Sydney (2022 - present)
BIOL1001: Concepts in Biology, University of Sydney (2017)
Science Educator, Botanic Gardens of Sydney (2019 - present)
Science Educator, University of Wollongong STEM Roadshow (2017 - 2019)
Science Education Program Designer, University of Sydney Museums (2017)
Grants and Funding:
Australian Society of Herpetologists Student Research Grant ($2000)
Centre for Ecosystem Science Postgraduate Student Grant ($1000)
Australian Wildlife Society Ecology Research Scholarship ($5000)
Other Experience:
FrogID Validator
2019 - Present
Australian Museum
Digitisation Assistant
2019 – 2021
National Herbarium of NSW
Invasive Species Research Assistant
NSW Department of Primary Industries
Digitisation Assistant
2016 – 2018
Macleay/Haswell Museums, University of Sydney
Volunteer Research Assistant
2015 – 2017
Shine Lab, University of Sydney